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Week 10 [17.12-23.12.18] How screens affect your eyes?

How screens affect your eyes?

These days, many of us have jobs that require us to stare at computer screens for hours a time. But not only working adults affected it's also kids who stare at the tablets or phones during all day at school or at home. Especially if the lighting and their posture are less then ideal.  There a lot of it around us. 
How they are affect our eyes and how we can live with this? And the most important, how we can protect our eyes. Watch the video.

1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
3. Was this video helpful?


As we know, screens are evolving. And they do that so fast that you can hardly keep up the pace with them. We went from LCD to an LED, OLED and then QLED in a matter of couple of years! Still not a single one have surpassed a book page in healthiness. As a programmers it is one of our primary concerns to keep our visual sensors intact. Thus, such techniques as eye qymnastics are vital and should be known and, more important, used by everyone.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
To be honest, I don't do anything, I've always had good eyesight.

2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
Possible exercises really improves eyesight. But I always don't have time for myself. Especially now there are operations to replace the lens, they are now more affordable.
I always take vitamin complex, so I'm sure that for the eyes they are also useful.

3. Was this video helpful?
Probably not. It's funny what kind of vision in the video tells the guy with glasses)
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Generally I try to pay much attention to my eyes and whenever I’m using computer, I wear my glasses. Another way that I’m trying to protect my eyes is using software to filter screen and display more ‘friendly’ colors. The last thing that I’m doing is adjusting screen brightness and contrast in every conditions. For example when it’s sunny day, I set my screen to be bright but when it’s dark outside, I simply don’t need it to be so bright so I make it darker.
I don’t practice eye gymnastics and the only vitamins that I’m taking are in vegetables. Nothing else…
Maybe not helpful but interesting and worth watching.
I do nothing to keep my eyes healthy and this is sad story. Also I think that I will not be interested in this thing while I will not get some specific problems and I think most of the people do in this way. I do not practice gymnastics or vitamins or other possible things to save my eyes. This video is interesting and now I know that need to do exercises every 20 min but before I has heard that this need to do every hour.
Filip Sawicki said…
I try to take frequent breaks from a computer screen and rest my eyes for a bit. I also want to implement a tiny script that will inform me when to take a rest. It’s immensely important for computer engineers to take care of their eyes, as without it we wouldn’t be able to do our job properly. I don’t practice eye gymnastics however I do take supplementary vitamins.
When it comes to me I've always had good eyesight, but wherever it is possible I'm using applications which reduce blue lights. For computers, there is a great program called f.lux. In my smartphone, there is default application which allows reducing blue light. Also when I Was buying the display for my computer, I only considered those which had the technology called "flicker free" (or other which prevents flickering of a screen). I do perform eye gymnastics, but I've read somewhere that it does not help much. This video contains information which kind of surprised me and I will still be careful when it comes to protecting my eyes because I don't trust YouTuber who is not a specialist in this field of science. I would like to add that we must remember about taking breaks while spending a huge amount of time in front of monitors because it is not only about our eyes but also spine and other parts of the body will thank us for those breaks :)
I use a special glasses that reflect some frequencies of light spectrum or something like that, i don't know exactly how but it works =3. I consume huge amount of vitamins both natural and chemical, but i do not specify some vitamin groups or etc. just do a lot. This video was extremely helpful.
Unknown said…
Earlier I tried to pay a lot of attention to my eyes. I’ve been wearing glasses for few years, when I was in high school, and it did help me. When I entered the university, I started wearing glasses less for some reason. I use the settings that adjust my phone’s brightness to the environment, thus it saves my eyes. The thing that I noticed is that my eyesight became poor. I can’t see what is 5-7 meters in front of me, I have to focus a lot in order to see a person or what a billboard says.

I’ve heard about eye gymnastic before and even made it on special site( I don’t remember it’s url) but it didn’t help me. I strongly believe that amount of vitamins that I get from good nutrition is just enough to fulfill this need.

Yes, this video was helpful and quite information. I would even recommend it for my friends with the same problem.
First two questions are interconnected so I’ll answer them at the same time. As a software developer, I spend most of my work looking at various screens. I’m aware of the dangers and I do a couple of things to mitigate their negative impact on my eyes.

Firstly, I enable TrueTone and Night Shift on my Mac and my iPhone. This means, that throughout the day, the monitor changes its spectrum and emits way less blue light during the day and especially in the evenings.

Secondly, I customize my workspace to reduce high contrast and the amount of bright light that’s targeting my eyes. I use dark mode in editors and I have a custom code highlighting schemes which have way less contrast than the built-in ones.

Last but not least, I tend to watch the time I spend in front of the screen and take breaks once in a while. During those breaks, I try to stare out of the window on faraway objects, which is basic eye gymnastics.

I do not take any vitamins and I haven’t tried any pharmaceutical method to keep my eyes healthy.
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
Almost nothing, but I have to start doing something. My eyes condition was much better a year ago.

2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
I'm taking lutein every day and I think that it helps a little.

3. Was this video helpful?
Yes it was ! I will try to use these recommendations next monday.
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
I make breaks, trying to not using low brightness on my phone or on my laptop.
2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
Yes, I do eye gymnastics 3 times a week for 20 minutes. What about vitamins, i used to have some, but i don't think they helped me a lot.
3. Was this video helpful?
Of course, yes, it was really helpful. I'm not a fan of someone learns me what to do, but this informations was really useful.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I don`t bother keeping my eyes healthy and it has some negative effects. I am not doing eye gymnastic or consuming vitamins on purpose. The only problem that I am dealing with sometimes is that my eyes become to dry and I have to use special medicine eye drops. I think this video is quiet useful, but still I am not planning to use those advices in the nearest future.
Usually i don't do anything to keep my eyes healthy. Sometimes i do breaks and once a month i take some A vitamin.
I don't do any eye gymnastics, i didn't even know such thing exists. But i do exercises with my wrist, because it hurts when i use my mouse too much. Maybe i should work on my eyes too (as other computer users i have some problems with them).
For me video was fun to watch but nothing more. I didn't learn anything from it.
s18716 said…
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
I always use special glasses for working at the computer. They unfortunately do not always help, because periodically I feel a decline in vision.
2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
Very rarely do exercises for the eyes when I remember that it is really necessary. I do not accept vitamins now, but this is a good idea.
3. Was this video helpful?
Some facts took note, as they are really new to me. I will try to follow the regime for the eyes.

I've very good eyesight, however, many hours of work on the computer badly affect the snow. I bought glasses to work at the computer, so how do I care about my eyesight and try not to bother with eyesight.
I take vitamins regularly, but unfortunately I am unable to supplement them with a proper diet. That's why I believe that I have no gaps here.
The film is probably useful for other people.
Marcin Mróz said…
I'm aware of the fact that staring too long at the monitor is bad for my eyes, so I try to organize my time in front of the computer in such way that I could take some breaks and give them a rest. Also when I feel that my eyes are tired I take a break immediately. When it comes to eye gymnastics, sometimes I blink hard few times to release tears and hydrate my eyes. In addition I try to look at some point far away, to make my eyes blink more frequently.
Unknown said…
I don’t sit close to screens, always turn on light when working with computer. On my work I have two 24 inch monitors with good resolution and range from monitors to my eyes is near 1 meter. I haven’t any symptoms of computer vision after working day.
No, I don’t practice any gymnastics and don’t take any vitamins.
No, all information that was mentioned in video I already knew.
I eat some useful food from which I get vitamins like omega-3, lutein etc. For example, omega-3 may help protect your eyes from macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome, lutein can help protect your eyes from harmful high-energy light waves like ultraviolet rays in sunlight. Also, I often take 20 seconds brake from my screen every 30 minutes. I practice eye gymnastics extremely rare, but I heard that it is very useful to do it two times per day. I don't take vitamins, because I think the better way to get vitamins is food. This video was interesting but a lot of information I already knew.
Cezary Róg said…
As you wrote these days most people use computers a lot because their work requires it. I'm one of them. To be honest I don't do anything to keep my eyes healthy. I wanted to buy special glasses but I totally forgot about it. I don't practice any eye gymnastics and I don't take any vitamins. When I feel like my eyes are tired, I just take a few minutes break. I like the video because it was short but with enough much information. I don't think I found anything helpful in it but at least I learned a few small things I didn't know before.
Unknown said…
We have few way to protect our eyes. Firstly, we can limited our time before a screen. My way to care my eyes is using app “Twilight” for smartphones. Moreover, eye gymnastics is important to improve our eyesight. I know some methods to train eyes. For instance, “making eights” and for few minutes in every hour just look to horizon. This video is not useful because I know everything what he was saying.
Bartosz Barnat said…
To keep my eyes healthy I try to take some vitamins and take breaks from computer screen or book reading, something that is exhausting my eyes. I don't take eye drops or something like that but my sight is getting worse with every month. Im trying to do some gymnastics for my eyes that helps for a while when I have to finish something but it's not enough. When it comes to video, everything that have been told I already knew so I don't think that was helpful.
Unknown said…
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?

Nothing. They are in a preeeeeetty bad condition and actually should take care of them. At least try. But maybe I will start it next year. Or in two years. Or three. Maybe ten.

2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?

The same as the previous answer. Nothing at all.

3. Was this video helpful?

Helpful would mean that I am actually going to use any information from it. But probably I will forgot it all in a week or two, going back to slowly killing my eyes a bit more every single day.
Marcin Zając said…
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
I take a break from screen every at least one hour.

2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
No I don't.

3. Was this video helpful?
I knew all informations presented in this video earlier.
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
My eyes are in rather bad condition but actually I do not do much to take care of them.
2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
I use to take some vitamins but I have stopped some months ago. I don't do eye gimnastics. I know I should and maybe that will be my new years resolution ;)
3. Was this video helpful?
Yes, it was helpful. I will try the recommendations.
Unknown said…
1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
Hmm.. that's a problem cause I always forget about it :/ I'm studying using computer, I'm working using computer, I play using console and computer. For many hours a day I harm my eyes and I havn't realized it :/
2. Do you practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
Never done any eye gymnastics or took any vitamins especially for eyes.
3. Was this video helpful?
Yes. I will keep tips in mind, I think that taking a break every 20 minutes or even 40 for 20 seconds can save me from pain that I'm sometimes having :)
Also other useful informations were presented so I'm glad to know more :)
Unknown said…
To keep my eyes healthy I'm trying not to use any screen at least 1 hour before going to bed. Also I have special software on my phone and laptop that makes colours of the screen warmer. When it is turned on screen do not emitting so much blue light that is not good for our eyes.
I do not practise eye gymnastics or take some vitamins. Maybe I should because I think that my eyesight is getting worse.
It was really helpful. I learned so many thing that for sure will make my eyesight better.
Unknown said…
I try to have screens at the height of my eyes, which is a time when I spend my time on the computer, I rest for a few minutes. At work during some time, I want to rest.

I don't take any vitamins for my eyes

Yes, I found out some interesting things.
Unknown said…
Yes, if I know I would spend at least 3 hours sitting and staring I make short breaks from 5 to 10 minutes just so my eyes could rest. I also make sure that I eat healthy food and eat enough vegetables that provide my body with vitamins in a natural way without the special need for medication.
No, I don't but if I feel too tired after starring countless hours into a screen than I can take a short nap.
Yes, the video was very informative and provided some interesting facts about human vision and how it is affected by blue light for example.
Anonymous said…
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1. What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
I take a lot of vitamins, I take a brake from monitor.

Do you practice eye gymnastics or take some vitamins?
I think that this question is somewhat similar to the first one, so I certainly take a vitamin for correct sight + I tear my eyes away from the monitor looking at another object.

3. Was this video helpful?
I think he was interesting but he did not help me
The best way is stable occupations any sport. The pool though gym will approach though though jogs in the mornings. If are not sure of will power call the same friend as you (and it is better than several) and get a habit to go together (to dodge before themselves "I will have a sleep still more", it is much easier than before friends and it is together simply banal more cheerfully)
Unknown said…
1. I use a plugin in my system which protect my eyes from a blue light during night. Also I am trying to not using any screen in room where is dark and also I sometimes use eye drops.
2. I don't practise eye gymnastics or take any vitamins but after this video I will consider it!
3. It was quite interesting, thank you that you share it! As a programmers we should remember that we have to take care of our eyes because we're spending a lot of hours during our normal day.
This video was useful, I indeed sometimes suffer from neck pains when I stare too loon at my computer's screen. Which reminds me to make regular breaks.
But it was funny to watch this presentation about how blue light might be harmful to our eye and to notice at the same time, that the background of this video was all blue! It felt kind of surreal to me for a moment.
Eye gymnastic or just looking at something far away from you every 20 minutes is a good idea but the problem with that is to remember you should do it. If I'm focused on something on the screen, be it some important work or just an engaging game, I always lose track of time and just forget to do it. I have to find some better way to remind myself to take short breaks. That's good for my eyesight and it's good for my back as well.
Unknown said…
Actually my eye gymnastic was byproduct of my attempt to mitigate back pain. I have like 1 minute routine to stretch my back. I have recurring alarm on my phone during working hours to remind me of regime.
I have been taking vitamins for last 3 or 4 years and I would continue to do that if only my other health problem didn't prevent my from doing that.
I saw that video before since I'm a regular viewer of Sci shows. I would say it's rather interesting then actually useful
I've used computers for months for large portions of a day with no issue. I once played a game on 3x3 screen on that computer for a week and my eyes became bloodshot so I took a break and quickly recovered. It's not necessarily how long you play, but how hard you focus on a small space that can hurt your eyes. Always use full screen.
Marcin Górski said…
What do you do to keep your eyes healthy?
Hmm, I have special eye drops, I am making short breaks for regeneration and using f.lux as extra program in my computer. Additionally, I am thinking about glasses for my job where I am looking at the screen by 8-10 hours. We have to be careful about our sight.
As I said, I am taking eye drops. Gymnastics sounds great so I will remember about that. What about vitamins? I am not sure that C, D vitamin contain something for eye but if it possible then yes, I am taking vitamins :)
To be honest, I have heard about everything what was mentioned in your video so I can't say that was something new but it is good to remind important knowledge.
Maciej Nowak said…
I don't do much to keep my eyes healthy. When I work on a computer I make short breaks to look on something real through a window. But apart from that, I don't do anything more. Some years ago an oculist said to me to look at a distant object from time to time to improve eye focus, but I usually don't remember about that. I have heard about blue light before, but it was good to hear how little actually computer screens are affecting long term health.
Ahmed Elsawi said…
- I wear medical glasses because of "IT Field", So I don't do anything.

- I have never heard about practice eye gymnastics, But I'll read about it and I don't take any vitamins.

- Actually, I just want to tell you, Thank you for sharing this video, In general, Good luck with your eyes health.
Unknown said…
Sometimes when I sit in front of the computer for too long, I just go to rest on the couch, but I also put drops in my eyes that moisturize my eyes.
I do not take any vitamins and I do not do any exercises, but I should probably start. I have very good eyesight and have never had problems with it, let it stay that way.
I believe that I will adhere to the various techniques included in this video, they can help me relax my eyes and help me keep their great condition for as long as possible.

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