Bing Isn't a Failure
I cannot imagine my life as a web developer
without the Internet. Where I can find answers to such questions as “how to
implement something“ or “how to quit Vim”. But where do we go first when we
need an advice? We usually open our favorite web browser and type the question
in Google.
We all know the “Bing” and most of us do not
use it because Google is just better.
Is Bing a big failure of Microsoft or a success? We will find the answers in this video:
Is Bing a big failure of Microsoft or a success? We will find the answers in this video:
- Do
you use Bing?
- What
search engine do you use on a daily basis and why?
Bing search engine has its own features, for example, Google searches based on your previous history of your searches and based on certain algorithms that show you the sooner you reach your desired result, but in Bing, the proximity of the content Searches on less visited pages may also appear on the first pages of search.
I usually use the Google search engine, because the loading of the Google site and the simplicity of the search page and style, and user-friendly without it, is appealing to me.
2005 called and wants you back.
On daily basis I obviously use Google but I've also tried DuckDuckGo which is privacy oriented search engine. From my experience, I can say that Google provides the best user experience in terms of finding the information you need.
Currently, I have no intention to change my search engine. Google suits my needs, it is connected with my email and allows me to do many great things. I agree that total monopoly on the this market would be bad, but I can there are lots of different browsers and search engines for people who want to guard their privacy.
No, I don't.
2. What search engine do you use on a daily basis and why?
I use Google search engine, becouse it's the most popular and set as default search engine in google chrome and safari web browser.
On daily basis I use Google of course. In my opinion there is no alternative for it. Everyone use Google.
In day to day basis I use google. They usually get me the best results. Also it’s the default search engine on all of my browsers.
Nope, I consider it as useless :/ Google is more accurate for me :)
2. What search engine do you use on a daily basis and why?
I use Google for years as probably 99% of internet users.
Why? The answer is very simple. It's built in chrome, it gives me satysfying results, I rarely go to 2nd page of search. This happens when I try to find specific theses/scientific work about spiders :D
Google currently has the best algorithms in the world and will always help me to find what I'm looking for even when I'm not sure what I want to find. That’s great that when I am looking for e.g. the song - I can write in the google any description of the music video and Google will help me to find this song.
No, I have never used Bing. It is something new for me.
Hmm, it depends on what I want to do. If I want to use Facebook or any other social media sites then I would choose Safari because it looks faster and lightly for my computer. On the other hand, when I want to develop some websites then my choice is very simple - Google Chrome because I like all of developer tools (built-in or external extensions).
It is my set of my favorite search engines.
Yes I use it to download google chrome and use normal browser and search engine. But I was surprised that bing has such percent of market share, people definitely need to change defaults.
What search engine do you use on a daily basis and why?
I use google because it fast, reliable and always shows what I need. Also google has a lot of complimentary services like maps, places etc., that make results personalized and very useful. So I don't need to enter the site to see the answer.
I use google search engine. I think it's quite ok. Especially if you are an specialist in searching and could find there an old song that you have heard in British movie of 2000's where main character have brown hair, wastes his life and regrets too late that girl who likes him was his last chance to make his life better.