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Week 7 [26.11-2.12.18] Will cigarettes really kill you ?

Nowadays, a very controversial issue is smoking electric cigarettes, colloquially called „vaping” but first of all let’s focus on smoking traditional cigarettes and side effect of them or rather defects.

We should ask ourselves why people starts smoking ?! I think all of you will agree that people starts smoking mainly on the party to be „cool”. People usually start smoking as teenagers because they feel more as adult and every child wants to be full-aged as soon as possible.

On the one hand cigarettes have really positive impact on human relationships. It’s much easier to get to know people during going out for a cigarette. In addition cigarettes very good de-stresses, focus on something and energize smokers.

On the other hand we have to remember that smokers die younger just by poisonous substances contained in cigarettes. Tobacco smoke contains thousands of treacherous substances that slowly kill a smoker.


It is very essential that you understand how much damage to your body can be caused by smoking, so I put below one more video which should show you exactly, how it looks terrible.

Furthermore everyone should see the difference between lungs of health person and lungs of the smoker. Here is the example photo.

Liquid that is used in e-cigarettes consists mainly of glycol and propelling glycerin. Very often aromas and nicotine are also added to the liquid. In this case instead of Tabacco smoke an aerosol is inhaled by smoker.

Smoking e-cigarettes is much more addictive than traditional cigarettes because smoke does’t stink and even leaves a pleasant smell depending on the type of aroma. E-cigarettes we can smoke almost everywhere so smokers smoke much more often and they deliver to the organizm much more nicotine.

Of course I can’t say that vaping ( smoking electric cigarettes ) is healthy but according to the current research it is a lot of healthier than smoking traditional cigarettes. Under this paragraph you can watch the video that will show you the effects of „vaping”.

It is essential to realize that smoking of any kind has very big impact on our body, health and length of life.

All in all smoking is very dangerous for ourselves and for people in our environment but vaping liquid with low nicotine content is much healthier and it’s good idea a to first switch to e-cigarettes to stop smoking forever later.

Finally answer a few simple questions.

1. Do you smoke or not smoke? Why do you take this attitude?
2. What do you think about people who smoke only occasionally?
3. Do you think that cigarettes should be banned ?
4. What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette ? Is it good idea ?


Lukasz Mroczek said…
Generally I used to smoke some time ago but finally I’ve decided to stop smoking. I’ve came to the conclusion that in the future I will have more serious problems in life than health issues caused by smoking. I can understand people who smoke only occasionally. Of course they are somehow risking their lives so it’s stupid but to be honest I do the same thing when I occasionally need some adrenaline and decided to go racing in the city so…
I won’t directly say that cigarettes should be banned because it would have really bad psychological consequences for addicted people but maybe in future there will be a simple way to successfully encourage people to stop smoking.
1. I used to smoke for 2 years and I've stopped doing it about 3 or 4 years ago. Why? Because it's one of the most unhealthy things that you can do to your body. Also it's quite expensive.

2. I do not think of them ;). If they have fun from it, let them do it.

3. I do not think that. It's like making alcohol illegall. It's not healthy but if someone want to use it, let them - unless they are hurting someone, then they should not do it. But "using" alcohol and cigarets in "right" way will hurt only you.

4. Actually I do not think so. It's hard to say if e-cigarretts are healthier or not, because they are too fresh to say it. When it comes to pure habit I think that e-cigarrets are worse, cause people smoke them very often - on computer, at restaurant etc.
Smoking has not killed a single person yet. Cancer did. Personally I do not see any sense in smoking at all. It helps to relax? Man, I am trying to find some way to energize myself here lol. What other pros of cigarettes?.. Oh, wait, there are none. Cons: effectively minus twenty years of lifespan, cancer, thick saliva, skin problems, and many, many more inconviniences that will make your life problematic. Oh, by the way, I heard that cigarettes are quite expensive also. Sooo, for me all of this is not worth some relaxing moments.
Unknown said…
Congratulations! Quitting smoking is very difficult.

That’s true, WNR ( Warsaw Night Racing ) sometimes makes you smoke a cigarette.
Fortunately, I don't smoke. There was the time I tried smoking, but I didn't like it. I know a lot of people who smoke only when they are drunk and it's their choice, I can't judge them for it. But even if you smoke only occasionally you still damage your body. I don't think that if we banned cigarettes it will make sense. Because when something is forbidden people want it more, maybe because they like to break the rules. I really don't care about people smoke traditional cigarettes or e-cigarettes, but I think that they need to do it only in places where it's allowed.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. Do you smoke or not smoke? Why do you take this attitude?
I have never tried Smoking and won't try. Because I'm working out and smoking doesn't bring anything useful.

2. What do you think about people who smoke only occasionally?
Perhaps they are so trying to relax or relieve stress.

3. Do you think that cigarettes should be banned ?
I believe that should be banned. Very often I'm a passive smoker inhaling smoke in front of people walking, or friends who are near me, though I try to stand so that the smoke wasn't coming at me.

4. What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette ? Is it good idea ?
It would be a good replacement, although I don't know how bad they are. From them at least a pleasant aroma that doesn't make you sick and dizzy as from ordinary cigarettes.
Unknown said…
Electronic cigarettes appear to be worse when it comes to the amount of smoking, but they certainly have fewer poisonous substances than traditional cigarettes.
Unknown said…
I will agree with you, but smoking is just as bad as any stimulant if we look at it from the persuasion of time.
Unknown said…
You're right ! Marijuana is such a "forbidden fruit" that we can compare what would be if the cigarettes were illegal.
Unknown said…
Do not you think that when cigarettes were banned, people would want to make them even more? In my opinion, it would be the case that especially young people would like to try.
Artem Lipovatyi said…
1. No, I do not smoke. Like most, I tried cigarettes, but I did not like it at all, I did not notice anything special.

2. I treat them neutrally. Some of my friends periodically smoke, arguing that smoking calms, I think it doesn’t.

3. Yes. It may not necessarily be a total ban, it will be enough to limit the places where it is allowed. Personally, I do not like the fact that at the entrance to many shops there are often large groups of people and they smoke, thereby stinking.

4. For me, any kind of smoking is evil. I do not argue that electronic cigarettes are better, at least for the people around them, but this is all the same smoking that is harmful.
I don't smoke because I think it is a waste of money and deliberate destruction of your own health. I have heard that people who smoke occasionally are affecting badly their health almost at the same extent as those who smoke regularly. I think both cigarettes and e-cigarettes should be banned, they are overused by a lot of people (sometimes also by the underaged ones), and not only involve the smoker, but also his environment (friends, pedestrians, animals) who do not smoke.
Unknown said…
1. Do you smoke or not smoke? Why do you take this attitude?
I am a non-smoker, at least I am trying to be one. This attitude comes from the fact that I used to smoke, a lot actually and finally understood how awful it is and that all I am doing to myself is pointless.

2. What do you think about people who smoke only occasionally?
I don't think anything to be honest, it is their choice whether they smoke pack a day or none. I light up the cigarette sometimes on parties, cause it matches to alcohol in my taste. Cigarette is cigarette, it kills you the same way - it just a matter of amount you consume.

3. Do you think that cigarettes should be banned ?
Yes, they should be banned or at least their selling should be very strictly controlled, so no one before 18/21 years old could get one. Very often it starts when we're teenagers and we are not aware of the consequences - unfortunately when we do, it is already too late and we find ourselves addicted to cigarettes.

4. What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette ? Is it good idea ?
I used to smoke e-cigarette, but quitted quickly as I didn't like the taste of them. I just preferred traditional cigarettes. I believe they're less unhealthy than normal ones, but still not necessary. It may be a good start to quit normal cigs, but it should also be cut off later.
Unknown said…
I do not smoke, because once in school I started, and I did not have enough health to continue this. I began to notice that I often cough and have a stomachache. You can still mention the discomfort from the fact that you had to hide this fact from parents and bad breath. Now I do not smoke and do not want to, I calmly treat smokers, because I think that this is their choice, and they make it themselves.
I think smoking from time to time does not reduce especially the damage to health.
No, I believe that a lot of people are addicted to cigarettes, many smoke in pleasure, and they may even like the taste or process. To ban cigarettes - to increase their importance, I'm afraid if banned, the number of smokers will increase.
I do not understand these electronic cigarettes, they remind me of a portable hookah. Probably less damage to health. But why then pretend that you smoke? Those who smoke, they smoke cigarettes because they like the taste of tobacco or the smell.
Unknown said…
I am a non-smoking person. When I was young it was very fashionable and I wanted to try it, but fortunately it only ended up because I thought it was too expensive and also the taste was disgusting. I know many people who smoke occasionally, at a party, and somehow I don't see a difference between ordinary smoking.
I think that the ban on young people buying cigarettes should be more restrictive, because I noticed that then a person becomes most addicted and young people do not feel the consequences of their choices.
For me there is no difference between regular cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
Foodocado said…
I do not smoke and I've never tried to start. I had asthma in my childhood. I want to avoid relapse and that's the reason I am not smoking.

I would suggest them to stop smoking even occasionally. It's a thin line between smoking occasionally and regular smoking. They should be aware of the consequences.

In my opinion, they should be banned. However, the governments should also provide help for those people who are addicted to them.

It's too early to talk about e-cigarettes. There is not enough research done to exactly say if they are better then the normal ones.
1. I don’t. I hate that smell and I don’t feel any better after smoking.
2. I think that they might have a bigger chance that they will go from smoking occasionally to everyday cigarette.
3. No. I think most of the drugs should be legalised. It just should be allowed in certain places. This city already stinks from the pollution. No need to add more to it
4. I think it is a good alternative, because of the most annoying problems they eliminate. While there are many researches on that topic, I think we should also expect that there can be some side effects we don’t know yet.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I don`t smoke cigarettes and can`t really tell whether they are so harmful indeed. I think it will be kind of hard to ban cigarettes in most of the countries just because people won`t allow it to happen. I know a lot of people who try to stop, who stopped smoking and the ones who are doing it as a hobby. It is everyones choice whether to smoke or not, so replacing them with e-cigarettes is not necessary.
Piotr Ciesla said…
in fact I used to smoke e-cigarets but I've quit it. I don't see any change in my life except of my wallet :). I quit proving to my self that I'm not addicted .
I don't know it's their choice. If they want to why not but they need to know the consequences.
I don't know if the cigarets should be banned. If so we also supposed to also ban alcohol. It's also unhealthy.
Going from traditional cigarettes to e-cigarettes is a better choice than smoking normal cigarettes.
Unknown said…
I don't smoke. I don't like it (only sometimes on the parties) because my mom used to smoke and I saw how it had changed her.

Smoking has deep roots in our culture, so I don't have anything against people who occasionally smoke – I mean once or twice per week. I like to play with smoke from time to time as well, so smoking not so often is not bad in my opinion.

Well, I do not like to answer such ridiculous questions. No matter what I think, smoking won't be banned. It's the same as alcohol. We all know that they have a terrible influence on us, but we still drink or smoke. If we banned it, people will go on the streets and will destroy cities. Besides that, some so many people are addicted to smoking, so what would we do with them? Tell them that they should quit on the next day? No way that will be accepted so peacefully.

I think we should encourage people to change to the less evil – e-cigarettes or at least stop smoking and start evaporating the tobacco. It's much healthier and less addictive. Making these small steps maybe we will be able to get rid of cigarettes in any form eventually.
Unknown said…
Don't you think that what I wrote in the article may have reference in the life ?! If our government suddenly bans people smoking then they will do it more often !
Unknown said…
While reading comments I find out that a lot of people would like to ban smoking but no one seems to realize that it may be a death sentence for many people.
Unknown said…
You noticed a very interesting problem that cigarettes although should be selling from age of 18, however everyone can buy them being much younger.
Unknown said…
If you don't understand the e-cigarette I will explain it to you. The point is that if you smoke you become addicted to nicotine. E-cigarettes are the way to take this nicotine further but in a healthier way and the ability to dose the nicotine.
Unknown said…
It is just strange that in the beginning cigarettes always stink and don't taste and later people get addicted to it anyway.
Unknown said…
Paradoxically asthma keeps you away from this trash :)
Unknown said…
It is definitely too early to be able to talko about the effects of e-cigarettes. The next side effects will be visible for around 10-20 years.
Unknown said…
The fact that you don't smoke cigarettes shouldn't affect your knowledge because it is very loud in the media about diseases caused by smoking cigarettes.
Unknown said…
You're right Piotr that if you prohibit any harmful stimulants it is best not only cigarettes but also other such as alcohol, coffee etc.
Unknown said…
Usually if the parents smoke the child will also smoke. However, yours is the opposite. You saw the worst in it.
Filip Sawicki said…
I smoke e-cigarettes quite often and have totally removed traditional cigarettes from my life. I still want to quit smoking but well it’s not that easy. I don’t care if people smoke much or nothing at all, it’s their decision, but as everyone knows it’s better not to. I think that no drug should be banned as it’s better to legalize and increase awareness of harmfulness rather than delegalizing and forcing people to buy stuff from black market. Regulation is always better than ban.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
You say you're trying to quit smoking, and it's not that you really do not want to quit smoking right now? If you really want to quit, you'll do it without a problem.
1.Do you smoke or not smoke? Why do you take this attitude?
I don't smoke neither usual cigarettes nor e-cigarettes. In my opinion, smoke cigarettes very stupid. Spend money to slowly kill myself. Not my choice.

2. What do you think about people who smoke only occasionally?
I think there are many "forbidden" things that we can smoke only occasionally in the company of friends :) But not cigarettes. If speak about "occasional smokers" it worse than regular smoker, imho.

3. Do you think that cigarettes should be banned ?
I really hate people who smoke near non-smokers outside or in public places. Naturally, I would ban cigarettes right now if I could.

4. What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette ? Is it good idea ?
This is a great idea. No passive smokers, no stinks and healthier than cigarettes. What else is needed!
Unknown said…
This perception of the matter, paying for sth that kills you can actually be effective . We need to show this to people well.
Iman Masjedi said…
It seems to me that smoking is not a problem until the smoke makes it uncomfortable for others. Everyone has the right to decide on the health of their bodies, many of the things we do throughout our lives may be harmful, but they have a pleasure for us, such as eating chips while watching Television or alcohol after a love failure for someone who has not been drinking.
It's not the right thing to ban something for a particular person, but we can ban it for public places.
Those who smoke sometimes, if they have a lot of discomfort or stress due to a particular reason, because of this stress, need to see nicotine in their bodies, or relax with cigarette smoking, I have a positive opinion about smoking. I'm short at that time. But if they do this for no reason and merely to do something, my opinion will be negative.
Marcin Mróz said…
I do not smoke now, but I used to smoke a bit when I was in high school and at the beginning of studies. I didn't smoke everyday, but it happened to me often. I changed this, because I realised that it doesn't make me feel better or relaxed in any way and it's just bad to my health.
Well, I was that kind of person and I think it's better than smoking everyday, but still it's damaging your health in some way.
They shouldn't be banned - everyone can do anything he/she wants with his life. With this kind of thinking, everything that has bad impact on our health would have to be banned.
Unknown said…
1. Do you smoke or not smoke? Why do you take this attitude?
Yes! For me it's just like any other thing that you can be addicted to: coffee, games even tea. I know it's not healthy, but I like it. I like the feel during smoking. I'm just addicted, what can I say? :D Quiting will be very helpful.
2. What do you think about people who smoke only occasionally?
I think that's okay, cause... why not? From what I know as addicted one I must say that occasionally cigs tastes better after alcohol, so many people are smoking during parties etc.
3. Do you think that cigarettes should be banned ?
4. What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette ? Is it good idea ?
I occasionally smoke traditional cigs, I prefer smoking... wait wait... vaping my e-cig. Taste better and still gives me nicotine. Aaaaaand it's much cheaper.
Marcin Górski said…
No, I have never tried cigarettes. I had a lot of chances but I really don't understand idea of smoking. I have no problem with person who smoke occasionally or regularly but I don't want it at my family. To be honest, I think that everything is for people and we shouldn't ban anything. In my opinion, every human has his own brain and he should decide what he want. I don't like situation when someone want to tell me want should I do. I'm aware of side effects of cigarettes and health is on the top. Hmmm, I'm neutral about traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes. It's still the same addiction because as with everything you can subordinate of smoking. Of course, If second option is healthier and If I have to choose between them then my answer will be e-cigarettes.
Unknown said…
I understand that you are a smoker. Have not you thought about quitting smoking?
Unknown said…
Do you smoke sometimes occasionally? Do you definitely quit smoking and not smoke anymore?
Unknown said…
Have you ever thought about quitting smoking? It damages your health very much. Cigarettes that you drag out destroy your lungs while cigars destroy the oral cavity.
Unknown said…
Congratulations on your attitude Marcin !!! Let as many people as possible promote such fashion for non-smoking.
Unknown said…
I used to smoke for 14 years. I gave up three months ago but I still feel that I'm addicted on this and still sometimes turn on green light for one cigarette. I don't think that smoking could kill you but it definitely affects to your health.

In my opinion people who smoke only occasionally don't realise that it's the first step to become a smoker. I strongly not recommend doing this because one day you will start smoking every day.

Smoking absolutely should not be prohibited. There are enough constraints for cigarettes advertising, warnings and banned places for smoking.

I think that E-cigaretes it's a really bad invention. And I don't understand why there are still no the same restrictions as for traditional cigarettes
ExoKuzo said…
Im a smoker, i smoke mainly cuz it makes me keep calm and eases out late stay evenings, it also "naturally" ugh manages my breaks during long coding sessions.

Those who smoke only occasionally well i would say "you do you" its like drinking occasionally (what i do) there are times that a drink or a beer is fitting and i do enjoy it at that time and i dont feel any urge to drink otherwise.
If u want to ban cigarettes you should ban tea, beer, any alcohol actually and couple other things. As long as smokers stay aware of their surroundings and do not force smoke on others i dont see a reason to ban cigarettes.
E-Cigarettes are as bad as normal ones in my opinion, there is no "healthy" way to smoke and anyone who claims so is dumb, its either bad or not and u cant claim that any addicting substance that s not naturally assimilated by our bodies is good.
Unknown said…
This is my comment
I do not smoke and have never tried. I don’t like it at all and never wanted to do it.
I think that’s not bad. If you only want to, you can do it. Same goes for alcohol. Generally its bad, but if you drink it occasionally it’s your decision and you are responsible for it.
In my opinion cigarettes shouldn’t be banned. It hasn’t as bad results as drugs, for example. We live in free country and it’s only up to you if you can smoke or not. Your body, your life, your decision.
I can’t say that change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette is “healthier” because smoking isn’t healthy, but it could be a better idea. For me, e-cigarettes doesn’t stink. It is much more “friendly” to non-smokers on a street.
Unknown said…
1. Do you smoke or not smoke? Why do you take this attitude?
I don't smoke and I'm really proud of it. Smoking make no sense for me and it has only bad affect on our health.
2. What do you think about people who smoke only occasionally?
It's better of course to smoke "less" but it's unhealthy anyway and I call a half-measure. It's like doing something bad only sometimes and saing " it isn't so bad, others are worse". For me it is just searching for an excuse.
3. Do you think that cigarettes should be banned ?
No, I think that people should be more aware and pay attention to health more.
4. What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette ? Is it good idea ?
In my opinion it's another half measure which can cause that people stop smoking normal cigarettes and continue to smoke e-cigarettes. Which overall isn't healthy. People who want to quit smoking should do it completely and maybe help themselves with some kind of medicine if it is to hard for them.
Unknown said…
First of all, I started to smoke thanks to a friend (Bartosz Kobierzycki - I don’t thank you). I am not a heavy smoker but I bought an e-cigarette and started systematically reaching for it. At the moment I'm trying to put it down more and more.
People who smoke occasionally, for sure have their reasons for it, and I’ve got nothing to it. Everyone does what they want in their lives. Although I don’t like when I smell cigarette smoke.
In my opinion, a greater excise duty should be imposed on cigarettes, this is one of the ways to get people to quit smoking. The total ban is connected with many problems and disagreements between people.

I am a non-smoker although I used to try unfortunately. What do I think about people smoking occasionally?
It's hard to say, they make a mistake? :).
Do you think that cigarettes should be banned?
I think it should not be forbidden. And so, smokers are being hurt by prices for cigarettes
What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette? Is it good idea?
I think that smoking an e-cigarette is healthier and certainly environmentally friendly.
Unknown said…
thank you for posting videos with really interesting experiments. I don’t smoke, besides of all anti-smoking campaigns which show serious health damages caused by cigarettes, I just don’t see any advantages of smoking itself.
I used to smoke occasionally at the parties, but I stopped doing this because I realized that next day I was feeling much worse (compared to the parties on which I didn’t smoke), because of mixture of alcohol and cigarettes.
I think they should be banned as they cause many serious diseases like lung cancer, stroke or asthma and actually kill millions of people worldwide every year. What is more, governments spend billion of dollars on treatments of diseases caused by cigarettes.
This is certainly a good solution for people addicted to nicotine, as we could see on the video e-cigarette does not contain as much toxic substances as regular cigarettes do, so it is obviously less harmful to people.
Unknown said…
I smoke very occasionally, let's say once a month, on parties with good companions. I have never smoked cigarette on my own.
I fully understand people who smoke occasionally because I am one of them but i now that it can be dangerous for health as regular smoking so I do not approve it.
It is very hard thing to resolve if cigarettes should be banned as it is hard to resolve if any drug should be legal or not. It is hard to say when drug becomes so harmful for ourselves and others that it should be banned but I think that cigarettes are very close to that line, for sure closer than alcohol.
Why not, if it is less harmful and people are addicted to nicotine and can't live without it they should change to e-cigarettes
I used to smoke more than I do now. I definitely find smoking be completely unhealthy and addictive. Now I smoke only occasionally and I do it mostly for social reasons (and I’m not proud of myself for that).

I’ve been to Australia, a country that has one of the strictest anti-smoking laws in the world. A pack of cigarettes there costs more than 4 times more than in Poland. Smoking is allowed only in restricted areas on streets. The result — smoking is legal but almost nobody smokes. This is a win-win for everybody. If more countries went the same way, the world would be a healthier place.
No, I don’t smoke. One of the reasons why I take this attitude is that I am a Christian.

I don’t have smoking friends except for one who is smoking hookah 4-5 times a week. Hookah is not a type of cigarettes, so I don’t know how it influences health. I don’t think about people that smoke only occasionally nothing. It’s their decision to smoke or not to smoke.

Yes, cigarettes should be banned. People become addicted to the thing that doesn’t give them anything except for health damage.
According to the current research smoking electric cigarettes is a lot of ‘healthier’ than smoking traditional cigarettes, so yes, it’s a good idea.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Do you smoke or not smoke? Why do you take this attitude?

I don't smoke and didn't use to.

2. What do you think about people who smoke only occasionally?

I think that you cannot smoke occasionally, sooner or later it will turn into addiction.

3. Do you think that cigarettes should be banned ?

No I don't. People do their choice with all information they need to know, including that smoking is bad for health. That is called liberty of choice.

4. What do you think about change traditional cigarettes on e-cigarette ? Is it good idea ?

Watching the video above I think that e-cigarettes are better, but I personally hate vapers, because the smell of them, is even worth then traditional cigarettes, and also more intensive.
I don’t smoke, nor I ever intend to. I see no reason to pick it up – considering the costs, health issues and being a general nuisance to society, why should I? Running into smokers only annoys me, as for some inexplicable reason a vast majority of them have problems understanding that not everyone likes the smell of cigarette smoke. I also don’t believe in people who “smoke only occasionally”. I know a lot of people who tried to quit smoking, only to come back to it through an “occasional” cigarette. If possible, I’d definitely vote for a smoking ban – it’s a waste of resources, time, a danger to health and an annoyance to people who don’t smoke. E-cigarettes are not much better, but at least they don’t cover the area around the smoker with noxious fumes, so I’d give them a pass.
I smoke occasionally but I prefer vaping much more. I started to smoke somewhere around high school, but it was only during parties or sometimes just to company someone. Then I discovered e-cigarettes which were much tastier and much more fun then normal one. I remember being very excited every time when I bought new battery or new clearomizer and couldn’t wait to try it and play with all the possible options. So, I smoke normal cigarettes rarely and I vape a lot, but I totally don’t mind if someone is smoking near me. Generally, I know that smoking is bad and unhealthy, and smoking occasionally is better than smoking all the time but not using it at all is best. I think that despite cigarettes bad influence on health they should not be banned because I totally understand people who smokes and all the fun that is related to it. And not just smoking itself I for example love the whole ritual of it, crushing tabaco, rolling and smoking. I think that people should change from traditional cigarettes to e-cigarettes because it is a little bid better for your health and it’s much more taste and fun according to me.
Really, and why is that?
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