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Week 4 [24.10 - 30.10.2016] The Internet of Things - a blessing or a curse


The Internet of Things, despite not being new, is becoming a  very popular concept. It simplifies everyday life and makes it more pleasant. According to Cisco estimation, until 2018 the Internet of Things will produce over 400 ZB per year. It means tremendous changes – not only for business but also for us. There are some pros and cons, which show it’s not only about living in  blissful idleness. Is the IoT equal to losing privacy?

What is the Internet of things ?

The main point in the IoT, described as “the Internet of future”, is not about devices, but about their potential – data that is collected and sent incessantly in our daily life. It’s about machine-to-machine communication or connecting devices over the Internet. Thanks to the IoT, smartphones talk to us, applications and each other. “The popular, if silly, example is the smart fridge: what if your fridge could tell you it was out of milk, texting you if its internal cameras saw there was none left, or that the carton was past its use-by date?”

Please watch this short video that describes how the IoT works.

As we can see, the idea is simple. Rebbeca’s car collects information about its engine's status – she doesn’t have to think about problems. Then, data is sent to a service station, where specialists react in a proper way.

What’s important,  IoT is not only about smart homes or connected appliances. It includes even smart cities. Think about connected traffic signals that monitor the city traffic or buses coming to a stop with a lot of passengers. It simplifies everyday life.

What about security?


Talking about the Internet of Things, it’s impossible to think of privacy and security. All connected devices (smartphones,  computers, cameras, cars and so on) collect a lot of personal data of their owners. That’s why security and privacy is the biggest challenge for IoT. There are some points of view.

First of all, security experts alarm that not enough is being done to be sure that our privacy is safe. There are a lot of computer viruses or people trying to break into someone’s computer (not only hackers but also “friends”). Nowadays, when IoT is in its early stage, we can observe many breaking privacy situations. The more devices and data, the more danger of breaking so what could happen if the number of devices and data increased a lot?

Next, indeed hackers haven’t put much attention to IoT, because it’s not worth their effort, but I can agree with the statement, “as soon as there’s a financial benefit to hacking smart homes, there will be a cyber criminal working away at it.” Let’s think about Rebecca who had problem with her car. It’s simple to hack a car system and send defective data, which has influence on safety or financial losses.

On the other hand, we use devices and the Internet all the time. We send a lot of personal information publishing posts or photos. Our privacy depends on the way we use it. It’s very easy to lose privacy sending inappropriate photos.

 To sum up, the Internet of Things is more and more popular concept, which has big influence on our daily life. Apart from simple advantages like repairing cars or solving a problem with traffic jams, it will affect business and work or even healthcare. There are some dangers connected with security and privacy, but in my opinion the scale of it depends on users. That’s why I consider the IoT to be an amazing concept that will change the world for better.

Please feel free to present your opinion on this topic. 



IMHO IoT has huge potential and can indeed make our life better in the future, but I'm not that convinced that there is no dark side of all of that - we're starting to be more and more dependant on hardware and software we use every day, and a dark scenario of not being able to enter house because of system malfunction is starting to be a real issue, especially once people start fiddling with security and exploits.

In other words, Watch_Dogs is coming soon :). But overall I consider it a good change, we just need to be careful and always have a backup plan in case of issues.
Unknown said…
You are right, especially with security and the fact that there is a dark side. That's why I wrote "Our privacy depends on the way we use it."

Do you consider dependency on hardware and software is 'dark scenario'? What about preventing or protecting in another way (e.g. with psyhical key or something else)?
Unknown said…
In my opinion the interenet of things is good invention but some applications control us too much and make us addicted. Lately I read that next new Audi a6 will have automatic driving system and when we will have car accident we will not be responsible but they wrote we don't know who will be responsible. Application with traffic jams is teh best application I have used lately.
Unknown said…
In my opinion the interenet of things is good invention but some applications control us too much and make us addicted. Lately I read that next new Audi a6 will have automatic driving system and when we will have car accident we will not be responsible but they wrote we don't know who will be responsible. Application with traffic jams is teh best application I have used lately.
Unknown said…
Failsafes are very important. We cannot stop technological progrees and it will affect our lifes. Methods of securing our electronics will improve as well. In the long run it will always be better for us eventually. Theres no point in making artificial restrictions on technology development.
Unknown said…
Internet security is very important. Without it people might lose many things, like personal informations or credit card number. Or both. This could cause their lives to be significantly worse.

I believe there should be systems that make such things harder to steal, so peoples lives are not worse.
Unknown said…
In my opinion Internet of Things is a great invention. Everything is connected and correlate to each other. Of course it is just a beginning of it's development, and that's why there is gonna be a lot of issues to solve. Security must be improved somehow, if we're gonna use it we have to be sure it's safe for us. We send our personal data every day by for example posting our pictures. And yes, we become more and more dependent on all the devices we have. I don't know how it will end up for us but everything is for making our lives so much easier.
I love the idea of IOT. It's about make our life easier. I am bit lazy person and I like to control everything remotely. Isn't great that you can turn off your oven when you already have left your flat/house and you forget to turn it off? I think that's the right direction of technological progress.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Concept of IoT is awesome, but sometimes implementation is ridiculous - recently I saw a teapot with Wi-Fi that tracks the owner's tea consumption. On the other hand, there're useful devices like fitness trackers, "smart home" sensors etc. I think that device owners should also take care about security - a lot of people don't even change the default password on the IoT devices they buy.
Unknown said…
Due to the fact that Internet is more and more popular I think that it should has to have good security. Not only for bank accounts, e-mails or websites were you have to log in, but also to protect our privacy. You can still hear more and more about spying in web.
I like the idea of IOT, I'm looking forward to see what will happen next :)
Unknown said…
Filip, i like the example with Rebbeca's car. I have the same technology in my car, it's wonderful! I don't have to check if everything is all right with system because if it’s not I will get an email/phone call/SMS (depending on problem).

When it comes to security. I will express my opinion on the same example - my car. Everything is wonderful till there aren’t any bugs. Once my car got updated (the main system got an online update) the lights wasn’t working properly (hight beam has switches to late on low beam). At night for other drivers it could be dangerous. The main thing is that i couldn’t switch them by myself because that’s intelligent lights…

A fully agree with Łukasz that we are very dependent on software & hardware what can lead to many serious consequences.
Unknown said…
Me too :D
I have a lot of things managed with my smartphone (e.g. light, sockets, sound) in my house. I'm crazy about it.
Have you connected your oven? Or something else?
Unknown said…
Your car is perfect example. I was impressed when service called to you asking if everything is fine because they saw low tire pressure. Amazing!

Do you afraid of updates with bugs in your car? Or you trust this manufacturer? Your life is dependent on it!

As any idea of a connection all over the world into one global network, it has its good and bad sides. This may improve and facilitate our lives. On the other hand, is likely to deprive us of the remnants of privacy, which we still have.
Dajana Kubica said…
This is our inevitable future. Fridge in few years will order products for us, robots will clean, even cars will no longer need the driver. It is true that there are already automatic cars in America created by Google, but the driver must be behind the wheel to to be able to react in critical situation. This is our future, whether we like it or not. It is worth considering whether this is a good direction for humanity. If the work will be done for us, people will stop working, our growth will stop in place. It is worth to mention an experiment "mouse utopia" where people provide a necessities of life to mice, and the mouse population is dying out after 4 years. The experiment was repeated several times and the result was always the same. Perhaps mankind should draw conclusions from this experiment.
Unknown said…
Do you think that's the time when we have only remnants of privacy?
What is more important for you - make life easier or keep your privacy?
Piotr Basiński said…
IoT is very good idea. Already many products are available on the market. We can buy smart home devices that allow us to control our house over mobile app or security system for garage.
kondrat said…
IoT is great. The tools which we have today make this technology available to everyone, even non-tech people. For example: Particle microcontrollers let you create HTTP Endpoints which talk to your particle without setting up your router, or any security aspects. The whole thing is maintained by Particle cloud. Connect Electron to your WIFI, associate it with your account, take few tutorials and you are ready to switch lights remotely!
I think you need to gain a little knowledge of things you use everyday. So if you are starting to use IoT you need to know the basics of how it works (I don't mean technical things but how it works in schematic way) and what to do with it.
I like idea of IoT very much because it will make our lives easier. On the other hand we have got a big issue with the security of IoT right now but it will be next step of development (I hope :D)
The most important things to educate what they shouldn't do with it (what things you should not post, etc.). Everything you do with it is with your acceptance as in most cases you have accepted some terms of use etc.
Unknown said…
I think we yet need to wait for real IoT applications. I do believe that IoT might make our lives easier, however so far there haven't been invention that would revolutionize our lifes. Also problems with IoT devices, like battery lifespan, which keeps getting shorter the more complicated security system are implemented in IoT deivces, or finite pool of addresses problem are real drawback for IoT. I hope that soon people will be able to solve this problems.
Unknown said…
In my opinion when we have devices like smartphone, tablet and laptop and they are connected, this is great case but when all things are connected to each other it becomes dangerous. Technology sometimes fails so I can't imagine something like smart city and what if something went wrong with traffic signals? I think it would be a disaster. This idea of combining items in the network is good but only to a certain degree. I don't think it's safe if we know how many terrorist attacks is taking place in recent times. In my opinion enter the Internet in every aspect of our lives won't bring anything good.
In previous weekend we got what IoT it really is. Because of very weak security of IoT items the whole internet stop working. Netflix, github and a thousands other services was inaccessible because group of hackers use 5%(!) to attack DNS services.
In my opinion all this type of device should not work in internet but intranet (only for internal use). Personally? I never trust devices which are connected to internet.
Unknown said…
I believe that IoT is a great thing which can make your life easier. I can’t wait to have this smart fridge at home, so I don’t have to waste my time checking the expiry date of products. With a help of IoT, people will have more free time to enjoy their life.

Of course, it’s not secure. Even if a manufacturer tells us that it’s secure. People should be aware of that and the use IoT should be their own choice. Nobody forces us to use smartphones. Some people don’t like it and they live in a forest and enjoy their life there.

I personally don’t really care yet if someone will now my heart rate or what stuff is in my fridge. I don’t kill people, I don’t have something to hide from society. But probably I’m too young to understand the importance of privacy.
I support the idea of IoT, it seems to be great invention which could significantly simplify our life. Not suprisingly, it carries also a potential risk. One thing is that people are afraid of loosing their privacy and being tracked by manufacturers of devices or software development companies.
Moreover, the software of such a devices is often not very complicated and what is more important their security is rather poor. I have recently read an article claiming that such devices become attractive target for hackers, because it is relatively easy to break into them and use them for example for DDoS arttacks.
Most of the people (especially those associated with IT) is aware of such threats, but ordinary users, however, often wouldn't even change default password restricting access to their gadget.
You are right mate! You never know when the danger comes. I can't imagine myself being spyied and exposed by some random guys. People are so unware of threaths waiting for them and it scares me.
Unknown said…
Im all about making life easier but it has to be safe. If every device we use will send information about our habits, and comunicate with each other there is no way information is going to be secure. We shouldn't be so dependent on hardware.

Who has seen that smart home scene in Mr.Robot? ;)
Unknown said…
are you talking about it: ?
Maciej Główka said…
I really like the idea of IoT, all in all it will make our lifes a lot of easier.
I think, that security isn't a real threat, just see in what way many people are using Facebook or Instagram nowadays. They post about everything they do, tag in every place they visit, so even today it is quite easy to track them down.
In my opinion, the biggest threat is the number of devices connected to Internet. Nowadays, it is still quite easy to break into them, install some malware and use them in DDoS attacks. Few days ago something like this happened and sites like Spotify or Netflix were down, here's the link for more info:
Unknown said…
That's right. Do you use any mobile app?
I use app which manage light at home. Before installing I thought it is simple gadget, but now I think it is very useful system.
Unknown said…
I agree with you. You need to know the basics and we need to admit it's not difficult.
Do you use IoT in your everyday life? What do you think about security? I think nowadays its level is quite rewarding.
Unknown said…
What do you mean by 'wait for real IoT applications'?
I use some of available apps and I'm quite satisifed, but I have a feeling you are not glad about using it. Don't you?
Unknown said…
You keep your private information in secret, don't you?
So how to you imagine life not so dependent on hardware? Do you mean "so dependent on hardware" = "without smartphones"?
Unknown said…
I think that the Internet of Things is the future of IT.
Since the 90s there are more computers than people so there is a need for those appliances to communicate between each other. That is a huge opportunity for businesses,it is a great investment to take part in the IoT project.
I feel likewise. As of 2014/2016, IoT market has rapidly started to gain traction due to a convergence and general availability of cloud-enabled technologies. Today, we can see some very promising cloud-based platforms designed with IoT in mind. Whether you like it or not, IoT is the future of our everyday life.
Unknown said…
No thanks. I enjoy chatting with Siri and the smart fridge seems to be so attractive, but I'm not ready to entrust my everyday life to the group of robots. I don't want to seem old-fashioned, but any device is not perfect and may fail.
Maybe as a teen I was too fond of science fiction books and was afraid of the uprising machines, but I prefer to control some of the daily processes by myself.
Although probably for busy people it will be very helpful. But even if we don't count the threats to life and health or hacker attacks, what will happen if the system crashes and you'll be forced to come back to real life and to rely only on yourself again?

Of course I would like to have some new useful gadgets, but not to replace all of my time-tested items.
Unknown said…
In my opinion internet of things it's good idea but This idea didn't come out right away perfectly but will be developed and improved for many years. Everyday life would be much easier
Wojtek Kania said…
This invention would facilitate our lifes but also would destroy us. But actually our level of privacy depends of us. I think that this has a bright future.
In my opinion internet of things is really a great invention. I think that in couple of years we will become so used to it, that we won’t be able to imagine our life without it. I’m a little concerned about privacy issues, but I believe it won’t be a huge problem after taking necessary precautions, like for example connecting devices through our private network.
Unknown said…
For sure The Internet of Things is something that we can't avoid in near future. In my opinion the main disadvantage is the security problem. When it will happen and everybody will use the IoT - the Web will posess the great amount of our private information. Let's be honest - there will always be a guy who will be able to hack this whole system and stole the databases. We can only imagine how will he use it. Summing up of course the internet of things may be an enormous oppourtunity but mainly I think it will be a curse for us.

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