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Week 7 [09.05 - 15.05] Stress


 Stress can kill in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, the ability to relax and to resist crises is absolutely necessary for us to survive.

In this post, I want to introduce some methods of dealing with stress.

Download an app
An outstanding busy day? Download one of the applications that will teach you to cope with stress and take care of your nerves.

If you cannot concentrate - meditate. This free app will help you, it has 50 calm meditations and 16 calm tracks from Kip Mazuy. Additionally, monthly new content is added to the application. Sometimes I open the Calm on my PC, 5-10 minutes and balance is restored.

A personal coach for teenagers and the youth, which will help relieve stress and get rid of anxiety. The application contains specific solutions to deal with daily anxiety, perfectionism, social anxiety, fear of public speaking, a sense of panic and conflict.

Sometimes such applications are real lifesavers when nerves are on their limit. And it is good when at least one of them comes in handy.

Focus on the positive

It is true that sometimes we are unable to control things that happen to us during the day, however, we are able to control the way we think. There is no need to think about bad things as it will only drain your energy and make a stressful situation even tenser. Instead, it is much better for you to focus your thoughts on the positive moments that will help you overcome stress. At the end of the day, it is important to remember that no one will return your emotions and time spent on negative thinking.


There is no way to control your emotions better and reduce the level of everyday stress than by exercising. You will be surprised how jogging can make your life easier and less stressful. On the other hand, such things like yoga will help you not only with your body but also with your mind.  Sometimes there is no better thing than a good stretch.

So, what are your favorite ways to deal with stress?



Marcin Konarski said…
Meditation is great, and for a long time I didn’t know how to even start, but it is very simple. You just have to stop thinking. That’s all. There is multiple techniques, and some people claim that you can’t do it in wrong way, because every way is good. I am just relaxing, forgetting about all problems and difficulties and all I care about is having clear mind and smiling. I really believe that it changes our lives and we have to find some time for ourselves and keeping ourselves sane.

I highly recommend to you short movie about what successful people have in common and it is the first hour during a day. They all wake up early and start from being positive, they either swim, go to gym or have a walk and they read something positive. Because it is important how you will start your day, this influences the rest of the day you have.
Stress is one of the worst things ever. It is true that is can kill us, people have high blood pressure that causes multiple diseases and strokes or heart attack. But the truth is that a lot is in our hands we can prevent all of that. The first step is learning how to deal with situations that make us feeling stressful. We have to observe what is the trigger and to change out reaction to it. We really can teach ourselves that we can start laughing to change our focus. We can start acting like a kid, jumping, fool around, make a face or just listen to the music you like.

There is nothing worse that letting ourselves to feel bad, because it causes not only diseases but also makes us unhappy, less productive, we can show all our knowledge and skills during exams and we give up on many things that are important for us.
Pat said…
I think that "Focus on the positive" is too much of a simplification and generalisation. It's easy to say that, but it's horribly hard to do for some people. Basically, I think that saying things like that doesn't help much - it's something like "Cheer up! It will be all right!" - doesn't help and can only make you annoyed. :)

I think that everyone has to learn how to reduce stress. For each person, a different method can work. I prefer cognitive-behavioral method of inventing a counter-argument to each stressful thought. However, I've also seen a nice animated gif that makes you calm down:
Unknown said…
"Stop thinking" is the most complicated thing I think :)
I agree that there is no wrong way, you just doing it how you feel it should be.

Thanks for your recommendation! It is just a way I try to spend my morning and I noticed that it really works.
Unknown said…
Thanks for a gif, it really makes me calm.

Yeah, it is easy to say "focus on the positive", but I am not saying that it is easy to make yourself focusing on the positive. It is a really hard work, sometimes even harder than working at the gym, but just think how many advantages it will bring to your life.
Unknown said…
I agree that WE are letting ourselves to feel bad.
When I feel myself bad I like to have a small talk with me :)
It is just like:
- Poor, poor Lana. You allowed yourself to suffer and be in a bad mood. Okay, you have few minutes, but after that allow yourself to be in a great mood again.

Sometimes it is really funny to notice such moments :D
Unknown said…
My personal favourite way to deal with stress is exercising :) When I am really stressed out I feel the urge to go to the gym and let all bad emotions get out of me, and it works! :D

I have heard about coloring books for adults to deal better with stress. I have never tried them and I am not quite sure whether I have time for it (it sounds like a waste of time, but I may be totally wrong :D Maybe it's cure for all stress )
I really like this calm application you shared, the music is great background for relaxing and it's way easier to calm down :)) I listen it right now and it really feels good :D
According to the video - stress is everywhere and it sometimes scares me that it is really hard to completely cut it off. We are all vulnerable for stress situations and we can't do anything to be sure that nothing stressful gonna happen. And stress goes with hormones, so it does with our health... We should learn how to deal with it, as long as we cannot avoid it ;)
From my experience stress is a vicious cycle. I'm stressed because I'm working too much but when I take a break I'm stressed because I'm not working, it's absolutely horrible. So as you can see my stress management is pretty poor. Fortunately not in a way when I just break down, I get my work done but at the cost of my sleep usually. I try to relax by drawing but usually end up blaming myself for procrastinating. Maybe I should try one of those apps ;)
Unknown said…
I know one of the reasons that make people be stressed when they are not working is their own conviction "I must work more to have better result" or something like that. I would like you to try talk to yourself and develop next conviction: "I need to have more breaks and relax more to work more productive next time, so I will be able to do my work faster"
Unknown said…
I think exercising is my favorite way to deal with stress too :) Maybe it is the most popular method.

Unknown said…
I have the same. Work and study in the same time could be really stresful. Still I need to hurry with something. It's really exhausted. For me the best way for dealing with the stress is go the walk or to the gym and exercise. I think apps isn't good solution for me. This is great idea but when I want to relax I need real contact with the nature not on the screen so I prefer go to the forest next to my home town.
Reading or playing games on computer always make me relax. The key, for me of course, is to find the occupation which make you forget about the stressful situation. Sometimes is really hard when you have a lot things to do. But it's very immportant to always find time and way to relax. After good relax, you're more efficient and focus on the job.
Unknown said…
I'm not very good at relaxing yet :( I know it's important cause the consequences are dire and not easy to recover from, but it's weird how difficult it is. We are taught how to work hard and manage many tasks at the same time but not how to rest. We simply don't know what to do when we're not working; we feel guilt and restlessness. It's important to learn that we are allowed to relax; we must make time to do that.

I very much agree with what Parycja said about 'inventing a counter-argument to each stressful thought'; it's helpful because it doesn't require one to use methods which feel too unnatural to us, like affirmations, at least at first. It's a good first step towards finding your own way of dealing with stress.

I've noticed is that, especially when stressed, I don't breathe properly, which makes the anxiety even stronger. I found that as little as 5 deep (diaphragmatic) breaths with can help somewhat. It's not exactly meditation but it's a part of that process.
Unknown said…
Just after the first sentence I love your article.
Ohh it is very interesting. Applications which you showed. I'm very interested in it. I will try it certainly. DO you know more?
I completely agree with you. Focus on the positive is one of the most important when we talk about peace and balance.
I'm generally calm and I try to keep calm in all stressed situations. It is my way to deal with it.
Unknown said…
For me stress is all about the fear of failure and dissapointment. Once we realize that actually we got the right to make mistakes in most cases its lowers the stress level and helps to focus on actual problem. Another thing is that people often have problem with recognizing the real cause of stress concentrating on superficial
things that are just consequences of source fears.
Trying to stay positive and excersicing is always helpful. Also meeting with friends is always good. It helps you forget for a moment about your struggles and catching up with people you care about makes it easier to stay positive. It also builds memories that you can look back on in harder times.
Unknown said…
I tend to controll my emotions, anger especially, thus I do not have a problem with stress. What I do is for instance if I do something bad at work i do not focus on the fact that i did that, instead i try to find a solution to fix it ASAP. Thats what keeps me sane i guess :D
Moode said…
Stress not only can kill you, but it can suck the life out of you leaving only a shell. We have find time to relax so we can regenerate and continue working hard, studying. Stress can be a really good motivator, but overdone will be harmful like anything in life, could you give me an example in life that overdoing won’t give any negative effects?
Unknown said…
Wow! I didn't know that kind of stuff existed! Thanks for that, I think I will try some out.

Well, about dealing with stress i just kind of let it be and vanish - i think every emotion has a place in our minds, so i don't fight stress, sadness or any other bad emotions. I mean of course there is a way to deal them, but defenitely not fighting them - it causes really more stress than before it. So i guess that calming my mind and acceting hte fact that i feel like i feel is the best way for me to cope with my emotions. It really helps and after some time of practicing that kind of attitude emotions flow through and feel really natural, so I recommend this!
Unknown said…
I agree with Svitlana, the "stop thinking" things seems hard for me as well.
Unknown said…
I'm not the most sporty person in the world but certainly exercise is a good way to reduce stress and I think it can be helpful.
Michał Pycek said…
To me the best way to deal with stress is exercising, traveling and chilling while spending my time on things that interests me music, games, politics or economics. I read, play, watch, listen to, and enjoy my free time. I don't like to be stressed out, but I think nobody does, you just have to stick to the positives and find the time to escape from what stresses you or use this time to plan what you'll do in order to solve the issue and avoid the stressful situation in the future.
Unknown said…
I think i can deal with stress in everyday life. I also think that exercice and for general physical work could be helpfull.

Sometimes we had a stress situation at work or even in our private life, we have to stay busy to not overthinking it.

For me exercising is an option but sometimes I like to make some cleaning at home or go on a trip or even meet up with friends, anything to stay busy.
Unknown said…
My favourite way to deal with stress is smoking, and I'm not thinking only aboute cigarettes. But you know, smoking helps a lot, but maybe I only think that it helps, because I'm addicted to it. Sometimes when I got really bad day I go for a walk. I live near to Łazienki Park, so I got nice place to relax and think about my problems.

Thanks for the article. I never came across such applications. Maybe I will give them a shot, but I'm not really sure if I need it. I got pretty stressful work, but this stress motivates me a lot.
Unknown said…
Thank you for very useful presentation. Personally I try to deal with stress through focusing on a particular thing which I must to do. It allow me not to think about the reason of my stress. I agree with you that the way of thinking is very important, to be honest for me - the most important. Any app or excercise are not effective. Often I try to think during stressful situations that it's not the worst thing in the world and e.g. the other people have worse conditions or situations in life. We should remember that every situation has a solution. It helps me and downgrades the scale of my problem.
Unknown said…
Connecting with the nature is always the best option :)
I love going for a walk to park or just sitting near the lake and deep breathing...
Unknown said…
Deep breathing helps us not only with dealing with stress, but it makes us younger. If you will do breath exercises at least 3 times a day your skin will look better and you body will say "thank you".
Maybe you'll find this article interesting
Unknown said…
Thanks you!
Here are more apps for relaxation

Unknown said…
Yeah, totally agree with you!
Unknown said…
Well, I think overdoing has only negative effects. I mentioned it in one comment. So we should allow ourselves to relax and not overdo, because we will be more productive if we stop now and let our body and mind have a rest.
Unknown said…
Besides positive thinking in general I always try to accept all situations in my life, because I just know that everything is for the best.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment! Staying busy is a really good idea, sometimes person can even create a stress situation by doing nothing.
Unknown said…
Here is an interesting article about why people think smoking helps to relax

Well, maybe you just don't need such apps, I hope stress will always be just a good motivation for you, without any bad impact :)
OlaScislewska said…
When we consider aspect of stress we must say there is no way (unfortunately) to entirely eliminate it from our life. The only thing we can try to achieve is reducing this uncomfortable feeling as much as possible. First of all we should think what is our main source of stress . It can be our job, school, some specific situations. I have to admit that not resolved situations, something that i have decided to do later but it is still not done makes me stresed more than anything else. Someone could say that myself is main source of stres for me and it would be somehow true.

I know what i should do to keep my life quite calm and easy anyway i sometimes still reply my mistake. Then work out is my lifesaver. During any kind of excercise i forgot about all hard, weary problems. Of course that just a quick fix but as yet i haven't discovered anything better..
maybe it is time to try mindshift You have recomended :)
Unknown said…
Usually when I stress about to many things going on my mind, like job, deadlines at school and so on I focus on "here and now". I just speak to myself "think about here and now" until I get my mind cleared of thinks that I should do soon, or I think I should be doing. Then I just focus on what is most important at the moment and do it. Other way to cope with stress is hard training. When you are too tired to think about your problems, you don't have problems. Or you are just too tired to be stressed about them.
Unknown said…
I totally agree. When I stop worrying about failure and start actually doing, my productivity bursts like gasoline.
Unknown said…
Sport is the best I think, especially in the evenings before bed It will helps you to have a better sleep, so your brain and body will relax better. It it one of the tips for better sleeping
Unknown said…
I practice this technique now, it is really helpful even when you are not stressed. I try be "here and now" as much as I can and to ask myself what I feel, what I need now etc.
Thanks for this article, I will definitely need some stress managing ideas for this semester;)

I have recently found that my favourite way of dealing with stress is going offline and doing some excercises. Yoga may be one of the best things to do if you are stressed - it combines relaxation, stretching techniques and meditation. I live very close to a forest and I find it very relaxing to go on a walk with my dog, go jogging or ride a bike. Doing an hour of excercises a day is a much better way to get some of the stress off your chest than watching an episode or two of this new tv series that you have found. Also it is good not to shut yourself in your flat - go and have some fun with your friends, see a movie, take a walk in the city.
Stress is a real problem. Concerns all of us. I know that rationalization stressful situation will not necessarily help. Sometimes it's stronger than us. You have to learn to control it. Consciously approach to the subject. Work on them every day and in small steps to change our attitude to stressful situations. It is not easy, but real. Calm, prudence and awareness can help us. Stress causes many negative effects. In our psyche, physical health and interpersonal relations. Everyone has different ways to recovery mood. Important that it worked;)
Unknown said…
Stress just like depression seems to be the most common display of civilization disease. I think that in the long term it might be deadly, and if not it certainly impacts our lives in a really bad way. Sadly, our society right now is build around work and money and success, things that come with a ton of stress attached.

Personally I deal with stress by drawing, watching serials or movies, sometimes taking a walk or just by spending time with loved ones and my dog. Exercising works too.

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